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Filler grid - Straight design




Filler grids are made from solid wood of highest quality.
Woods: Spruce, pine, birch, beech, alder, ash, maple, oak, cherry, pear steamed (we also deliver spruce and pine in roughing design)
Raster: 12mm x 10 mm (12 lath x 10 gap)
12mm x 12 mm
12,5mm x 12,5mm
Thickness: 4 mm (2plus2)
6 mm (3plus3)
Usage: double-sided
Size: according to customer request, we do exact symmetric sizing
Surface: fine brushed without other finish, varnished with clear varnishe
Delivery term: 14 days
1 month (spruce and pine in roughing design)

In-store program:

Raster: 12,5 x 12,5
Thickness: 4 mm
Size: 1230 mm x 600 mm
Material: all woods


Všechna práva vyhrazena - DH Uničov, s.r.o.
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